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Updates and a new free module

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:28 pm
by marltetz

There're some updates on M*4 modules! :D

AD, ADSR and AR Envelope Generators
- Changed category to "Envelope Generators".
- Now it can be "Bypassed".

- New PPQN Values are added. Now "96", "48", "24", "12", "8", "4", "2" and "1" are available as a PPQN numbers.
- Now it can be "Bypassed".

- "Variable Buffer Size", "Bucket Variation" and "Freeze (+overdub)" functions are added. (You can guess the functions by its name? Introduction presets and videos will be published...)
- Now it can be "Bypassed".

Also, a new free module "Sync Checker" is published.
It is just a test tool made for a test of Vari-step. But it seemed useful and I decided to publish. :)


Re: Updates and a new free module

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 6:25 pm
by sdv
These are great updates!! Thanks for making your modules better and better all the time!

Re: Updates and a new free module

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 7:57 pm
by marltetz
Thanks for your support! :)